How To Do A HIIT Workout At Home

 In our fast-paced world, finding efficient and effective workout routines is essential. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) has gained immense popularity for its ability to quickly burn calories, improve cardiovascular health, and boost overall fitness.  

The best part? You can do a HIIT workout right in the comfort of your home, with or without equipment. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through how to do a HIIT workout at home step by step and provide tips for achieving the best results.

Mastering How You Can Do a HIIT Workout at Home with or Without Equipment

There are many types of HIIT workouts that you can do, but not all of them can be practiced at home with ease. 


So, to save you time, here we will discuss two HIIT workouts: one that you can do at your home without any equipment and the second one with gym equipment:

  1. HIIT Workouts at Home – Without Equipment (Tabata Bodyweight Circuit):


The Tabata Bodyweight Circuit is a form of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) that you can practice at your home with ease.


It consists of short bursts of intense bodyweight exercises (e.g., jumping jacks, burpees) performed at maximum effort for 20 seconds, followed by 10 seconds of rest. This pattern is repeated for eight rounds, totaling 4 minutes of high-intensity workouts to improve cardiovascular fitness and burn calories efficiently.


Here is a sample for you:

Sample Tabata Bodyweight Circuit:

  • Jumping Jacks (20 seconds)

  • Rest (10 seconds)

  • Burpees (20 seconds)

  • Rest (10 seconds)

  • High Knees (20 seconds)

  • Rest (10 seconds)

  • Mountain Climbers (20 seconds)

  • Rest (10 seconds)

Repeat for a total of 8 rounds (4 minutes)

Step-by-Step Guide for Tabata Bodyweight Circuit 

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Before you start, ensure you have a timer (you can use a smartphone timer) and enough space to perform the exercises safely.


Once you are ready… let’s get started:

  1. Warm Up:

Start with a brief warm-up to get your muscles and joints ready for the intense workout. You can do light cardio, dynamic stretches, and bodyweight movements like arm circles and leg swings.

  1. Set Up the Timer:

Use a timer to set up the Tabata intervals. Each interval will consist of 20 seconds of exercise followed by 10 seconds of rest. You’ll repeat this cycle for eight rounds, making it a 4-minute workout.

  1. Choose Your Exercises:

Decide on the bodyweight exercises you want to include in your circuit. You can choose any exercise we mentioned, including jumping jacks, burpees, high knees, mountain climbers, squat jumps, or push-ups.

  1. Perform the Exercises:

For each 20-second interval, give your maximum effort in performing the chosen exercise. Maintain proper form throughout to prevent injuries. Focus on quality movement rather than rushing through.

  1. Rest:

During the 10-second rest intervals, try to recover your breath and prepare mentally for the next round. Stay active during these brief rests by lightly moving or stretching.

  1. Repeat for 8 Rounds:

Complete eight rounds of the 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off intervals. This will add up to 4 minutes in total. Feel free to stick with the same exercise for all rounds or alternate between different exercises.

  1. Cool Down:

After completing the 4-minute Tabata circuit, allow your heart rate to lower gradually by performing light static stretches and deep breathing. Focus on stretching the muscles you’ve worked during the circuit.

  1. Hydrate and Recover:

Drink water to stay hydrated after the workout, and consider having a post-workout snack or meal to replenish your energy.

Important Note:

Remember, Tabata is designed to be intense, so listening to your body and performing exercises at your fitness level is essential. If you’re new to exercise, you might start with fewer rounds and gradually increase them as you become more comfortable. Always prioritize safety and proper form.


  1. HIIT Workouts at Home – With Equipment (Dumbbell Circuit):


Dumbbell Circuit HIIT is a sequence of high-intensity dumbbell exercises followed by brief rest or active recovery. It maximizes calorie burn, improves cardiovascular fitness, and enhances muscle strength and endurance. 


It involves performing different exercises targeting various muscle groups, such as squats, lunges, overhead presses, bicep curls, tricep extensions, and rows. Here’s a simplified example of a dumbbell circuit:


Sample Dumbbell Circuit:

  • Dumbbell Squats (40 seconds)

  • Rest (20 seconds)

  • Dumbbell Push-Ups (40 seconds)

  • Rest (20 seconds)

  • Dumbbell Bent-Over Rows (40 seconds)

  • Rest (20 seconds)

  • Dumbbell Lunges (40 seconds)

  • Rest (20 seconds)

  • Dumbbell Shoulder Press (40 seconds)

  • Rest (20 seconds)

  • Dumbbell Deadlifts (40 seconds)

  • Rest (20 seconds)

Repeat for a total of 3-4 rounds each of 6 minutes.


Step-by-Step Guide for Dumbbell Circuit HIIT Workout:


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Before you start, ensure you have a set of dumbbells appropriate for your fitness level. Having a timer app like Tabata timer to keep track of your intervals is also a good idea.


However, if you do not have a set of dumbbells, we will suggest the three best sets of dumbbells that you can buy from Amazon.


Let’s start:


  1. Warm-Up:

Begin with a dynamic warm-up to increase blood flow to your muscles and prepare your body for the workout. Perform exercises like arm swings, leg swings, hip circles, or bodyweight squats to gently engage your muscles and joints.


  1. Set Up the Timer:

Use your timer to set up the intervals for your Dumbbell Circuit HIIT workout. Each interval will consist of a specific exercise performed for a high-intensity duration, followed by a rest or active recovery period.


  1. Choose Your Exercises:

Select a dumbbell exercise series targeting different muscle groups. For instance, you can choose Dumbbell Squats to target quads, hamstrings, and glutes. Following that, Dumbbell Shoulder Press to focus on the deltoids and triceps. 


However, you must choose an exercise that challenges you but is within your fitness level.


  1. Perform the Exercises:

For each exercise interval, give your all during the high-intensity phase. Use proper form and control the weights to prevent injuries. Perform the exercise at a pace that challenges you but allows you to maintain good technique.


  1. Rest or Active Recovery:

After completing each exercise interval, rest for 10-20 seconds or perform a lower-intensity active recovery exercise (like jogging in place or light jogging around the room). This will help keep your heart rate elevated and improve cardiovascular fitness.


  1. Repeat for Multiple Rounds:

Complete your workout’s designated number of rounds. You can start with 3-4 rounds and gradually increase the number as your fitness improves. Make sure to rest for 1-2 minutes between rounds to recover.


  1. Cool Down:

After finishing all the rounds, take a few minutes to cool down. Perform static stretches for the muscles you worked on during the workout. This will help improve flexibility and reduce muscle soreness.


  1. Hydrate and Recover:

Stay hydrated by drinking water after you’re done with any workout. Consuming a balanced meal or snack post-workout will aid in muscle recovery and replenishing energy.

Important Note:

When doing a Dumbbell Circuit HIIT workout, you can adjust the intensity by changing the dumbbells’ weight or the intervals’ length. You can challenge yourself by increasing the weights or rounds as you progress.


Also, listening to your body during these intense workouts is essential. If an exercise causes discomfort or pain, modify or choose a different exercise. Your safety and well-being are our top priority.


Well, now you know the process of performing HIIT workouts at home. However, if you want to perform intensive HIIT using dumbbells and you need to buy a new set, you can check out our top recommendations:

Three Best Dumbbell Sets for HIIT Workouts at Home


Dumbbell Set

Weight Range



Brief Overview

1. Bowflex SelectTech 552

5 – 52.5 lbs

Metal Plates


The Bowflex SelectTech 552 is a versatile option that allows you to adjust the weight from 5 to 52.5 pounds easily. Its compact design is perfect for HIIT workouts, offering seamless weight changes.

2. CAP Barbell Neoprene

2 – 10 lbs

Neoprene Coating

$21.00 – $32.80

The CAP Barbell Neoprene dumbbell set is excellent for beginners or those looking for lighter weights. The neoprene coating provides a comfortable grip and protects your floor from damage.

3. PowerBlock Sport

3 – 24 lbs

Urethane Blocks


The PowerBlock Sport offers a space-saving solution with adjustable weight increments. It’s sturdy build and easy-to-use selector pin make it an excellent choice for dynamic HIIT workouts.


Final Words

Incorporating HIIT workouts into your routine can provide significant fitness benefits in a short amount of time. Whether you choose the bodyweight Tabata Circuit or the Dumbbell Circuit, these home-based HIIT workouts offer an efficient way to enhance cardiovascular fitness, burn calories, and improve overall strength. 


And don’t forget to prioritize proper form to prevent injuries, and consult a healthcare professional before beginning any new exercise routine, especially if you have underlying health conditions.

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