Office-Friendly Exercises for Breaks

Managing time for exercise can be a challenge in the hustle and bustle of the modern office. With back-to-back meetings, looming deadlines, and a never-ending stream of emails, office workers often find themselves glued to their desks for hours. 


But fear not! You can incorporate exercise into your workday without even leaving your desk. In this blog post, we’ll explore various office-friendly activities to help you stay energized during your breaks.


We will share four fun exercises and divide them into two sections with and without equipment so that you can have the flexibility to create your own office workout style and stay energized throughout the day.


First, let’s start with office-friendly exercises you can perform without equipment.

Easy exercises to keep you energized Without Equipment

a. Desk Push-Ups (Chest and Triceps)

Desk Push-Up is a simple yet effective upper body exercise that can be performed using your office desk as a fitness prop. It primarily targets the muscles of your chest (pectoralis major) and triceps (the muscles on the back of your upper arms).


How to do it:


  • Position Yourself: Stand facing your desk, ensuring it’s stable and can support your weight.

  • Hand Placement: Place your hands on the edge of the desk, about shoulder-width apart, with your fingers pointing forward. Your palms should be flat on the desk’s surface.

  • Body Alignment: Step back a few feet from the desk, creating a straight line from your head to your heels. Your arms should be fully extended, and your hands should be directly beneath your shoulders.

  • Execution: Lower your chest toward the desk by bending your elbows. Keep your body in a straight line throughout the movement. Aim to lower yourself until your chest gently touches the edge of the desk.

  • Push Back Up: Push yourself back up to your starting position by fully extending your arms. Exhale as you push back up.



  • Engage Your Core: Keep your core muscles engaged throughout the exercise to maintain a straight line from head to heels. This helps stabilize your body and prevents your lower back from sagging.

  • Breathing: Inhale as you lower your chest towards the desk and exhale as you push back up. Focus on controlled and rhythmic breathing.

  • Repetitions: If you’re just starting, begin with a small number of repetitions, such as 5 to 10. Gradually increase the number of reps as you build strength and confidence.

  • Progressive Variation: To make the exercise more challenging, you can elevate your feet on a stable surface like a chair. This increases the angle of your body, placing more emphasis on your chest and triceps. However, start with the standard desk push-ups before attempting this variation.

b. Chair Squats (Legs)

Chair squats are an excellent way to work your leg muscles without specialized equipment. They target your quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes, helping you maintain strong, toned legs.


How to do it:


  • Starting Position: Stand in front of your office chair with your feet approximately shoulder-width apart. Ensure that the chair is stable and won’t move during the exercise.

  • Proper Alignment: Maintain good posture throughout the movement. Keep your chest up, shoulders back, and your gaze forward.

  • Initiating the Squat: Lower your body as if you’re about to sit in the chair behind you. Imagine that you are reaching back with your hips while bending your knees.

  • Knee Position: Ensure your knees do not go beyond your toes during the squat. This helps prevent excessive strain on your knee joints.

  • Squat Depth: Hover just above the chair’s seat briefly. Your thighs should be parallel to the ground or close to it, depending on your mobility and comfort level.

  • Pushing Up: To return to the starting position, push through your heels and fully extend your hips and knees. This upward movement should be controlled.



  • Heel Weight: As you perform chair squats, focus on keeping the weight on your heels. This distributes the load evenly and reduces excessive pressure on your knees.

  • Maintain Posture: Keep your chest up and your shoulders back throughout the entire movement. This helps protect your spine and ensures you engage the correct muscle groups.

  • Controlled Movements: Perform chair squats with controlled movements to prevent injury. Avoid sudden, jerky motions, and concentrate on the muscles you’re working.


These are the two fun exercises you can perform in your office without any equipment.


But as you know, having exercise equipment gives you more thrill and benefits; we will share two fun office exercises requiring small equipment.

Part 2: Office Exercise With Mini Equipment

Office exercise with equipment

a. Under-Desk Bike

An Under-Desk Bike, a mini exercise bike, or a desk cycle is a compact and versatile piece of exercise equipment designed to be used at your desk. 


It offers a low-impact cardiovascular workout, making it an excellent choice for staying active in an office environment. 


An Under-Desk Bike can help improve your circulation, boost your overall fitness, and counteract the adverse effects of prolonged sitting.


How to use it:


  • Positioning the Bike: Start by placing the Under-Desk Bike beneath your workspace, ensuring it’s securely set. Make sure it won’t move or slide during use.

  • Adjusting Resistance: Many Under-Desk Bikes come with adjustable resistance levels. Adjust the resistance to your desired intensity. Beginners may start with lower resistance settings and gradually increase as they become more comfortable.

  • Setting a Timer: Use a timer or the built-in timer on the bike, if available, to track your exercise duration. For a short office workout during your break, aim for 10-15 minutes of pedaling.

  • Pedaling Technique: Sit comfortably in your chair with your feet resting on the pedals. Begin pedaling in a smooth, controlled manner. Focus on maintaining proper posture with your back straight and shoulders relaxed.

  • Pacing: Pedal at a pace that allows you to work comfortably and without distraction during your tasks. You should be able to pedal smoothly while typing, reading, or engaging in other desk activities.




  • Regular Use: Incorporate the Under-Desk Bike into your daily routine. Try to use it regularly to accumulate more physical activity throughout the day. This can also help increase your daily step count.

  • Cardiovascular Health: Utilizing the bike can positively affect your cardiovascular health. It promotes better circulation, which can help decrease the risk of blood clots and improve overall cardiovascular fitness.

  • Comfortable Pacing: Pedal at a relaxed pace that lets you focus on your work tasks. Avoid going too fast, as this can be distracting, and prioritize maintaining productivity.

  • Posture: Pay attention to your posture while using the Under-Desk Bike. Sit with your back straight, and adjust the height of your chair and desk, if necessary, to maintain ergonomic alignment.

  • Variety: Consider changing the resistance level or alternating between forward and backward pedaling to vary your workout and engage different leg muscles.


It’s also essential to choose the right under-desk bike to get the optimum performance. We have researched and dug out the top two under-desk bikes from Amazon.

Check Out Our Under-Desk Bike Recommendations


Under-Desk Bikes



Sunny Health & Fitness Under Desk Mini Exercise Bike

The Sunny Health & Fitness Magnetic Under Desk Mini Exercise Cycle Bike is a dual-function pedal exerciser designed for convenient use under a desk. It features a digital monitor to track progress and a carrying handle for easy portability. This compact exercise cycle is a practical solution for staying active while working or watching TV.


FitDesk 2.0 Desk Exercise Bike

The FitDesk 2.0 combines the benefits of a desk and exercise bike. It features a large desk surface for working and an adjustable resistance bike. The built-in resistance bands allow you to engage your upper body while pedaling.


b. Mini Stepper

A mini stepper is a compact and portable exercise machine that can be placed under your desk for a quick workout during your breaks.


How to use it:


  • Place the mini stepper beneath your desk or workspace.

  • Step up and down during your breaks, similar to climbing stairs.

  • Aim for 5-10 minutes of stepping, adjusting the resistance as needed.




  • Use the mini stepper to break up long periods of sitting and keep your legs active.

  • Wear comfortable shoes while stepping to prevent discomfort.


You may also need help choosing the best mini stepper that gives you better performance, as there are too many options. After researching, we’ve discovered the top two mini steppers on Amazon.

Check Out Our Mini Stepper Recommendations


Top Mini Steppers 



Sunny Health & Fitness Mini Stepper

The Sunny Health & Fitness Mini Stepper is a budget-friendly option with an effective lower-body workout. It’s compact, easy to use, and has adjustable resistance levels. The digital monitor tracks your steps and time.


Sportsroyals Stair Stepper for Exercise, Mini Steppers with Resistance Band

The Sportsroyals Stair Stepper with Resistance Band is a cost-effective office exercise machine. Compact and quiet, it offers a low-impact, full-body workout, making it an excellent addition for professionals looking to stay active at their desks, all under $100.


These are the top four office-friendly exercises you can do while working. Now, let’s discuss some essential facts you must remember while exercising in your office.

Tips for a Successful Office Workout Routine

Incorporating exercises into your office routine is most effective when you establish a way and follow these tips:


  1. Schedule Your Exercise Breaks: 

It is important to schedule specific times for exercise breaks during work to avoid the risk of forgetting or delaying them. By setting aside designated times for physical activity, you can prioritize your well-being while maintaining productivity and focus during work hours.


  1. Use Alarms or Reminders: 

One effective way to ensure you take breaks regularly is setting up alarms on your phone or computer. These reminders will prompt you to take a crack at specific intervals, helping you establish a consistent break-taking routine and maintain your productivity and focus throughout the day. Remember, consistency is crucial when taking breaks and improving your overall well-being.


  1. Stay Hydrated: 

Consuming adequate water throughout the day is crucial to maintain your energy levels and prevent stiffness. Keeping yourself hydrated can help your body function optimally, allowing you to perform daily tasks efficiently and comfortably. You can also start consuming a plant-based diet as they are more healthier.


  1. Dress Comfortably: 

It’s important to wear loose-fitting clothes that facilitate easy movement during your breaks. Opt for comfortable shoes that provide the necessary support and cushioning to alleviate any stress on your feet. You can check out our guide on the top 5 fitness brands that we confidently recommend to our audience.


  1. Listen to Your Body: 

Listening to your body’s cues is essential when engaging in physical activity. If you experience discomfort or pain while exercising, it’s crucial to stop immediately and seek guidance from a certified trainer or healthcare professional. Remember, pushing yourself too hard can lead to injuries, so always prioritize your safety and well-being while working out.

Final Words

Incorporating exercise into your office routine is possible and highly beneficial. Whether using equipment or not, these office-friendly exercises offer a convenient way to stay active, boost your energy levels, and enhance your overall mindfulness without leaving your desk. 


By following the tips and making fitness a seamless part of your office life, you can improve your productivity and maintain a healthy work-life balance. Get started today and enjoy the benefits of a more active workday!

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